Roland Roller

Roland Roller

Senior Researcher


I am a senior researcher and project manager in the Speech and Language Technology group at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). I focus on natural language processing and machine learning topics with a high interest in medical use cases. My work spans classical information extraction, anonymization, clinical decision support, chatbots and LLM agents. I work on various projects related to different medical domains, such as nephrology, emergency medicine, tumor boards, and sexual medicine. Here is the list of current projects: KIBATIN, PRIMA-AI, Medinym, ADBoard, SmartNTx, and Veranda. Please contact me if you are interested in our research, collaboration/supervision or would like to visit us.


  • Organization of the shared task SMM4H-HeaRD 2025, about multilingual adverse drug detection from social media, covering the languages in German, French, Russian and English.
  • Organization of the shared task MedNLP-CHAT, which evaluates medical chatbots to address healthcare resource challenges, focusing on potential medical, legal, and ethical risks by analyzing chatbot responses to medical questions for possible issues.
  • Trustworthy Decision Support
  • Anonymization
  • Multimodal Machine Learning
  • Information Extraction
  • Chatbots & LLM agents
