DFKI-MLST at DialAM-2024 Shared Task: System Description


This paper presents the dfki-mlst submission for the DialAM shared task (Ruiz-Dolz et al., 2024) on identification of argumentative and illocutionary relations in dialogue. Our model achieves best results in the global setting: 48.25 F1 at the focused level when looking only at the related arguments/locutions and 67.05 F1 at the general level when evaluating the complete argument maps. We describe our implementation of the data pre-processing, relation encoding and classification, evaluating 11 different base models and performing experiments with, e.g., node text combination and data augmentation. Our source code is publicly available.

Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining
Arne Binder
Arne Binder
PhD Candidate
Leonhard Hennig
Leonhard Hennig
Senior Researcher